Saturday, October 3, 2009

Calgary's Cultural Capital

Three years ago, Maclean's magazine dubbed Calgary a “cultural capital”, a moniker which has been internalized and proudly reiterated by our city's citizens ever since. It was a relief to some to be recognized for something other than oil and wealth, and a source of intense satisfaction to many to be mentioned in a national (i.e. Toronto-based) publication. Finally, people took notice. But the magazine, and the country, noticed something else - “Some Calgarians wish the hype would go away” wrote Anne Kingston; they worried about losing something authentic as the city boomed.

Today, the city’s cultural and fine arts communities are feeling something different. They are adamant that the high quality of cultural experience in the city has deep local roots, and is growing organically - and rapidly - every day. Despite being on the waning side of the boom and bust cycle, the arts and culture communities have seen sustained growth. And what's more, it's not imported shows and touring exhibitions begging for attention, but the high level of homegrown talent, risk-taking and adaptability.

“Cultural capital” may not be something we are, but something we have.

Read Entire Article Here ->
Published in Avenue Magazine, September 2009

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